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Our philosophy at Corban Early Childhood Center is three-fold




First.  We believe that it is our responsibility to BUILD on learning.  We provide high quality early childhood education and enrichment programs that focus on the health, safety, and development of the whole child.  Our goal is to lay a foundation for children to become lifelong learners.  We use a variety of curriculum resources that cover phonics, music, art, foreign language, math concepts, and computer literacy.
Second.  We believe it is our responsibility  to REINFORCE social development.  We understand that a child's social development begins at home with their family.  At Corban Early Childhood Center, we provide an environment that gives each child an opportunity to grow socially.  Whether it is learning to share, taking turns, pretending, imagining, or singing each child is encouraged to express his or her own unique individuality.  Our staff will model positive social interaction with each child and their parents.
And finally we believe that it is our responsibility to SUPPORT spiritual development.  We have the desire to partner with parents to teach God's love.  We teach and support moral behavior.  Learning right from wrong, manners, caring, loving, and friendship are just a few of the areas we see children grow.  We use Bible stories to illustrate moral principles, but it is not our focus to teach denominational doctrines or religious practices.  We leave the deeper matters of faith to parents and the local church.
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